The independent GPs who consult at Goyder’s Line Medical offer a wide range of medical services, delivered with a focus on high quality and a fresh take on healthcare, including:

Telehealth | Women’s medicine | Children’s medicine | Men’s medicine | Mental Health | Skin and mole checks | Immunisations |  TAC and Workcover | Chronic Disease Management | Wound Care and Minor Surgical Procedures | Contraceptive Implant insertion and removal | Iron Infusions | + many more

To book an appointment at Goyder’s Line Medical Jamestown please ring (08) 8664 1078. For Peterborough call (08) 8677 6500 or to book an appointment at Orroroo, call (08) 8677 5500. Please phone during office hours, our consulting hours are generally between 10am and 5pm but are subject to change. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time. Our Doctors consult in Jamestown, Peterborough and Orroroo. We work on an appointment basis and unfortunately are unable to accommodate walk ins.

Emergencies will always be given priority and our reception staff will attempt to contact you if there is any unforeseen delay or your doctor has been called away.

Please let the staff know if a long consult is required, i.e. Medicals, Diabetic Review, Heavy Vehicle Licences, Centrelink forms etc or at your own request.

Messages for Doctors can be left with Reception Staff. Please note we do not accept any electronic communications from patients.

For any information or queries, please feel free to contact us and our staff will be more than happy to follow up your call.

If you wish for a third party to be present during your consult (i.e. Practice Nurse or a member of your family) please discuss this with reception staff when booking your appointment.

Do you require an interpreter or need the assistance of communication services e.g Auslan or National relay service. If yes please notify staff when booking your appointment.

You can now receive an SMS reminder the day before your appointment, please advise reception when you make your appointment.

DNA Policy

Why we have this policy

Goyder’s Line Medical has introduced a DNA (Did Not Attend/Answer) policy, as we want to ensure that the best possible service is provided to all patients.  We acknowledge that it can sometimes be difficult to obtain an appointment with a GP, and a common contributing factor is patients’ non-attendance.

We understand that from time-to-time genuine emergencies happen.  If this was the case and it meant you were unable to attend your appointment in person or by phone, please contact the practice.

DNA Procedure

As a Practice, we are doing our best to reduce DNAs. A text reminder message is sent to all patients who have opted to receive to a mobile phone number, 24 hours prior to their appointment. This service is a courtesy only and not receiving your SMS reminder is not a valid reason to miss your appointment.

However, due to the high demand for appointments and number of non-attendances, we will charge the gap fee of any missed appointment. We anticipate that this will deter non-attendances and recoup some of the costs of missed appointments. These fees apply for any appointment that is not attended or not cancelled prior to a minimum of 2 hours of the appointment time.

1st DNA – Our staff will contact the patient to ensure their welfare, and re-book the missed appointment if required. They will also discuss our DNA policy for future reference.

2nd DNA within 12 months of last DNA – letter to patient + fee (gap amount of missed appt) + copy of this policy.  This fee, and any other outstanding fees, must be paid prior to booking another appointment. If the appointment was expected to be bulk billed, the fee payable will be the gap fee on an equivalent private appointment. DNA fees are not Medicare rebateable.

3rd DNA within 12 months of first DNA – letter to patient advising they will be unable to book routine appointments until outstanding fees are paid, and a copy of this policy. Reinstatement of booking ability will occur when outstanding fees are paid. The patient may also be required to pre-pay any future appointments. If requested, a copy of their medical record will be sent to another clinic of their choosing at our standard costs.  The patient is to contact the clinic to make these arrangements.

Avoid Becoming a DNA

If you cannot attend or no longer need an appointment, please let us know in advance.
If you need to cancel an appointment, you can do this in any one of the following ways:

  1. In person at the Reception Desk
  2. Phone:  Jamestown 08 8664 1078, Peterborough 08 8677 6500, Orroroo 08 8677 5500
  3. Reply “N” to appointment SMS reminder (sent 24 hours prior)

It is the Patient’s responsibility to:

Advise the Practice of any change to their contact details.

Attend their arranged clinic appointment or reschedule giving a minimum of 2 hours’ notice.

To help us improve our systems and make more appointments available for patients to book, please adhere to our Practice Policy.